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JavaScript Test

You must enable JavaScript to browse this website.

How to enable JavaScript

Below are the steps to enable JavaScript on several popular browsers. The steps are based on the current version of those browsers. If you use an older version, please try to locate the same option under similar setting categories.

  1. Internet Explorer
    Select "Internet Options..." from the "Tools" menu. Click the "Security" tab and then click either on the "Standard Level" button or on the "Custom Level" button. Find the "Scripting" category and click "Enable" under "Active Scripting":
  2. FireFox
    Select "Options..." from the "Tools" menu. Click "Content" button on the top. Check "Enable JavaScript" .
  3. Safari
    Select "Preferences..." from the "Edit" menu. Click "Security" button on the top. Check "Enable JavaScript" .
  4. Opera
    Select "Preferences..." from the "Tools" menu. Click "Advanced" tab, then "Content" from the list on the left. Check "Enable JavaScript" .
  5. Chrome
    Go to Settings, then take advanced settings, then at policy on "Content settings ...". Check the settings for JavaScript .